Desktop Email Client (Outlook or Thunderbird)

Outlook and Thunderbird

At Webmobyle, our clients have the option to use or use a Desktop Email Client such as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird. Desktop Email Clients download email to your computer as opposed to Webmail, where the email is stored and accessed from the Web.

Setting up the desktop email clients is however quite technical. If you would like to use this option let us know by opening a Support Ticket in our Help Center , and we will schedule a remote session where one of our consultants will set up the email client on your computer. See to learn more about our remote support option.

NOTE: If your choice of Desktop Mail client is Outlook, the software must be installed on your computer and should be in working order for us to assist you in setting up it up. If you choose Thunderbird, we will help you install the software if not already installed on your computer. Thunderbird is free and open-source software.

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